The JavaScript replace() method searches for the specified string that you want to replace and replaces it with your specified new string.

variable.replace("string to replace", "replacement string");

Here are five examples of the replace() method.

Example 1:

Basic example. Replace lamb with cat.

	<title>Example 1</title>

      var string = "Mary had a little lamb.";
      var result = string.replace("lamb", "cat");

      // output: Mary had a little cat.

Example 2:

Using variables in the replace() method.

	<title>Example 2</title>


      var string = "Mary had a little lamb";
      var find = "lamb";
      var replacement = "dog";
      var result = string.replace(find, replacement);

      // output: Mary had a little dog.


Example 3:

Using a regular expression (regex).

	<title>Example 3</title>


      var string = "Mary had a little lamb";
      var result = string.replace(/lamb/i, "bird");

      // output: Mary had a little bird.


Example 4:

Declaring a replacer function before the replace() method.

	<title>Example 4</title>


      function myFunction(match, $1, $2) {
        return $1 + ' big rabbit';

      var string = "Mary had a little lamb, whose fleece was white as snow";
      var result = string.replace(/(Mary had a) (little lamb)/i, myFunction);

      // output: Mary had a big rabbit, whose fleece was white as snow.


Example 5:

Using an anonymous replacement function.

	<title>Example 5</title>


      var string = "Mary had a little lamb, whose fleece was white as snow";
      var result = string.replace(/(Mary had a) (little lamb)/i, function(match, $1, $2){
        return $1 + ' big rabbit';

      // output: Mary had a big rabbit, whose fleece was white as snow.
